Configuring ToDD

ToDD uses configuration files (typically found in /etc/todd) to control its behavior. The server and the agent use their own individual configuration files (examples of each are shown below).


Configuration files for both todd-server and todd-agent binaries load once at initial start. So, in order to apply any changes to the configuration, these processes need to be restarted.

Server Configuration

The server configuration file (usually /etc/todd/server.cfg) contains configurations for all services that the server will require - things like integrated databases, communications plugins, and internal calculations.


Pay particular note to the LocalResources section of the configuration. The DefaultInterface option is required (or in lieu thereof, the IPAddrOverride option) so that the server will know what IP address to serve assets from to the agents. The server will not start if it cannot determine its IP address using these options.

If this is configured incorrectly, agents will be unable to retrieve the required asset files, and will fail to register with the server.

Here is a sample server configuration file, with comments inline:

# ToDD's API
Host =
Port = 8080

# Serves assets like collectors, testlets, etc.
IP =
Port = 8090

# Describes parameters for the "comms" system, which manages communications between
# the server and the agents
User = guest                       # Username for comms
Password = guest                   # Password for comms
Host = localhost                   # Hostname or IP address for comms
Port = 5672                        # Port for comms
Plugin = rabbitmq                  # Comms plugin to use (i.e. "rabbitmq")

# Parameters for database connectivity
Host =                  # Hostname or IP address for database
Port = 4001                        # Port for database
Plugin = etcd                      # Database plugin to use (i.e. "etcd")

# Parameters for time-series database connectivity
Host =                  # Hostname or IP address for tsdb
Port = 8086                        # Port for tsdb
Plugin = influxdb                  # TSDB plugin to use (i.e. "influxdb")

Interval = 10                      # Interval (in seconds) for the grouping calculation
                                   # to run on the server

Timeout = 30                       # This is the timer (in seconds) that a test will be
                                   # allowed to live

# Describes parameters for local resources, such as network or filesystem resources
DefaultInterface = eth2            # Dictates what network interface is used for testing
                                   # purposes (i.e. informs the todd-server which IP
                                   # address can be used

IPAddrOverride =    # Overrides DefaultInterface by providing a specific IP
                                   # address rather

OptDir = /opt/todd/agent           # Operational directory for the agent. Houses things like
                                   # cache files, user-defined testlets, etc.

Agent Configuration

The agent configuration (usually /etc/todd/agent.cfg) is considerably simpler than the server configuration.


Similar to the server configuration, the LocalResources section is very important. The DefaultInterface option is required (or in lieu thereof, the IPAddrOverride option) so that the agent can report a usable address back to the server in order for it to facilitate tests. Like the ToDD server, the agent will not start if it cannot determine its IP address.

Again, comments are provided below to help illustrate the various options:

# Describes parameters for the "comms" system, which manages communications between
# the server and the agents
User = guest                       # Username for comms
Password = guest                   # Password for comms
Host = localhost                   # Hostname or IP address for comms
Port = 5672                        # Port for comms
Plugin = rabbitmq                  # Comms plugin to use (i.e. "rabbitmq")

# Describes parameters for local resources, such as network or filesystem resources
DefaultInterface = eth2            # Dictates what network interface is used for testing
                                   # purposes (i.e. informs the todd-server which IP
                                   # address can be used

IPAddrOverride =    # Overrides DefaultInterface by providing a specific IP
                                   # address rather

OptDir = /opt/todd/agent           # Operational directory for the agent. Houses things like
                                   # cache files, user-defined testlets, etc.